Dibbler Manual Review Findings

Dibbler Manual Review Findings

DIB-01M: Unsafe Down-Casting

Type Severity Location
Mathematical Operations Dibbler.sol:L71


The linked down-casting to a uint96 is performed unsafely.


71uint96 soilPercent = uint96(s.f.soil.mul(1e18).div(totalBeanSupply));


We advise the down-casting to be performed safely as it can truncate in case the evaluation s.f.soil.mul(1e18).div(totalBeanSupply) exceeds the maximum of a uint96 which has up to ~7.922e28 precision.


The contract's code has been relocated under the LibDibbler contract and no longer downcasts thereby alleviating this exhibit.

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DIB-02M: Redundantly Preemptive Amount Evaluation

Type Severity Location
Input Sanitization Dibbler.sol:L33, L43


The linked require checks validate that a non-zero amount has been purchased, however, this check does not guarantee that the pods that will be sowed are non-zero.


32function _sow(uint256 amount, address account) internal returns (uint256) {
33 require(amount > 0, "Field: Must purchase non-zero amount.");
34 s.f.soil = s.f.soil.sub(amount, "Field: Not enough outstanding Soil.");
35 uint256 pods = beansToPods(amount, s.w.yield);
36 sowPlot(account, amount, pods);
37 s.f.pods = s.f.pods.add(pods);
38 saveSowTime();
39 return pods;
42function _sowNoSoil(uint256 amount, address account) internal returns (uint256) {
43 require(amount > 0, "Field: Must purchase non-zero amount.");
44 uint256 pods = beansToPods(amount, s.w.yield);
45 sowPlot(account, amount, pods);
46 s.f.pods = s.f.pods.add(pods);
47 saveSowTime();
48 return pods;


We advise the check to be relocated and to evaluate the pods value instead, indirectly ensuring a non-zero amount and guaranteeing a proper pods update.


The contract's code has been relocated under the LibDibbler contract and now the pods that are converted are validated to be non-zero instead thereby alleviating this exhibit.

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