LibMarket Static Analysis Findings

LibMarket Static Analysis Findings

LMT-01S: Potentially Dangerous Refund Scheme

Type Severity Location
Logical Fault LibMarket.sol:L57, L63, L88, L123, L183, L214


The LibMarket contract has been built with user refunds in mind, transferring native currency to the user in case of leftover funds. While a desired trait of the system, it can compromise security assumptiosn of the system such as those by LibCheck and in particular the bean balance check. As the call is re-entrant during a refund, the main Beanstalk contract may be possessing Bean units that will otherwise be consumed during the outer call and the re-entrant attacker can exploit this to provide a superficial balanceOf evaluation in the LibCheck contract and bypass it.


55function buy(uint256 buyBeanAmount) internal returns (uint256 amount) {
56 (uint256 ethAmount, uint256 beanAmount) = _buy(buyBeanAmount, msg.value, msg.sender);
57 (bool success,) ={ value: msg.value.sub(ethAmount) }("");
58 require(success, "Market: Refund failed.");
59 return beanAmount;


We advise the system to be redesigned to follow a pull-over-push paradigm whereby refunds are instead accredited to the user who is then responsible to claim them via a simple function.


The code has been significantly refactored to apply a refund at the end of each function's execution preventing re-entrancies from occuring mid-call. Additionally, the non-reentrant modifier has been introduced throughout the codebase thereby alleviating this exhibit in full.

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