OracleFacet Code Style Findings

OracleFacet Code Style Findings

OFT-01C: Redundant Condition Evaluation

Type Severity Location
Gas Optimization OracleFacet.sol:L56-L58


The updateOracle function validates whether either of the reserves of the pair is zero and if so, yields an equillibrium point for the price between USDC and BEAN.


53function updateOracle() internal returns (Decimal.D256 memory, Decimal.D256 memory) {
54 (Decimal.D256 memory bean_price, Decimal.D256 memory usdc_price) = updatePrice();
55 (uint112 reserve0, uint112 reserve1,) = IUniswapV2Pair(s.c.pair).getReserves();
56 if (reserve0 == 0 || reserve1 == 0) {
57 return (,;
58 }
59 return (bean_price, usdc_price);


This condition only materializes during the very beginning of the contract's launch as it is impossible to empty out the reserves of a Uniswap V2 pair once it has been set up properly. As such, we advise the conditional to be omitted for gas optimization and codebase legibility purposes.


The conditional has been safely omitted from the codebase thereby optimizing it.

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